The PINSTRIPING, AIRBRUSH & LETTERING REGISTRY.COM operates as a member supported network of artists
Your name & contact information as a PINSTRIPER, AIRBRUSH ARTIST or HAND LETTERER will be available worldwide. Any consumer looking for an artist near them can be easily found, either alphabetically or by state.
- This is a legitimate TAX DEDUCTION for your business
The general public, the customers, will be dealing directly with you . . . . . There is no middle man . . . . There is no website commission
Member’s names and artwork are seen by thousands of automotive enthusiasts and art collectors all over the world.
the PINSTRIPING, AIRBRUSH & LETTERING REGISTRY (PAL) respects your privacy. We will only post the information that you submit & want the public to see!
Your information data is never used, collected or sold by the registry. It is for the expressed purpose that are clearly stated here..
Discount will be added at Registration
- "The more people that register, the better this website will get"
Membership Packages
Professional Style
$200 / year
Your listing will include your name in bold, your state in bold, your phone number, your full address, your email address , style of work, a link to your Website; Included are, any 3 to 5 related photos, & enlargement links of your work. Photos can be changed & updated. Any additional pictures can be added at any time at $10 each. Also included is a 100 word Bio or statement about yourself
50% off full price package for the first 200 to sign up
$100 / year
Your listing will include; your name, your state in bold, your phone number, your full address, your email address, style of work, your Website; Also included any 3 related photos & enlargement links of your work. Any additional pictures $10 each up to 3
50% off full price package for the first 200 to sign up
$50/ year
Includes: your state, your name , your city or town & Zip code, your phone number, email address & style of work.
50% off full price package for the first 200 to sign up
We will only post the information that you submit & want the public to see!